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Lack of Transparency: Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore
- Supervisor James Gore has not been transparent with his personal finances to the general public. As a requirement of the Fair Political Practice Commission, Board Supervisors are responsible for disclosing the income/investments held by their spouse to ensure their is no conflict of interest intact when approving contracts using taxpayer dollars.
- Mr. Gore's spouse, Elizabeth Mckee Gore's corporations have been omitted from his statement of economic interest for all years.
- After being called out by a local watchdog, Supervisor Gore disclosed that he had not itemized his wife's business Hello Alice as stated in the Press Democrat. He was forced to pay a $400 penalty to the Fair Political Practices Commission for not disclosing as an income source his wife’s company, Hello Alice, an A.I.-based digital adviser for business owners. Gore, the Board of Supervisors chair, called the omissions a “clerical error.” “Form 700s are documents that you try to improve upon every year,” Gore said. Gore, in an interview, acknowledged that after two terms as supervisor he has years of experience filling out form 700s. “Yes, but you make mistakes, you get busy, you’re in the middle of the pandemic,” Gore said. “Take a look at it. It’s like a tax document, it’s not a simple damn document.”
- Hello Alice is legally listed as Circular Board, Inc. with the Texas Secretary of State. It is odd that The Circle Foundation nonprofit forfeited existence in 2018 and the Circular Board, Inc. was instated in coming years as a corporation for profit. The Circle Foundation was dissolved in 2018 due to tax forfeiture.
- Mr. Gore omitted his existing corporation Gore Country, LLC, from his statement of economic interest. It appears that this corporation is tied to several outstanding tax liens from 2018.
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