- Mr. Paul Gullixson is the Communications Manager for the County of Sonoma who handles all correspondence on behalf of the Health Services Department (Dr. Mase). Mr. Gulixson has refused to acknowledge me or respond to my inquiries for the past 6 months, and has been downright rude/condescending (the County finds this to be completely acceptable).
- I have brought forth the following inquiries in which Mr. Gullixson refuses to respond with a legitimate answer:
- Being that there is no fully FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine available in the entire U.S., when will your office be communicating this to the public?
- I have attached the FDA's Issuance of Priority Review Voucher; Material Threat Medical Countermeasure Product for both Pfizer's Comirnaty and Moderna's Spikevax COVID-19 vaccine. Each of these documents were published in mid-February in the Federal Register. A Priority Review designation means that the FDA’s goal is to take action on an application within 6 months (compared to 10 months under standard review). This means that neither of these products have yet been manufactured in the U.S. The only vaccines/boosters which are currently available remain under an EUA. Under Title 21 of the federal regulations, EUA products may be accepted or refused because they offer zero manufacturer liability.
- In recent weeks, U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida has ruled that Pfizer-BioNTech’s Wuhan coronavirus “vaccine” bearing emergency use authorization is not interchangeable with the company’s new Comirnaty injection, which was fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration back in August. Since the two injections contain different ingredients and are manufactured in different ways, Judge Winsor said that they are legally not the same, and that the EUA one cannot be forced on people by the Department of Defense.
- Coercing a person to take an experimental/investigational drug is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. The CDC defines "investigational' as follows: "A vaccine that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in clinical trials on humans. However, investigational vaccines are still in the testing and evaluation phase and are not licensed for use in the general public." You will notice per the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA LOA reissued December 16, 2021, the pharmaceutical company must submit to Investigational New Drug application (IND) number 19736 periodic safety reports at monthly intervals in accordance with a due date agreed upon with the Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OBE)/CBER beginning after the first full calendar month after authorization an number. Please provide any legal documents directly from the FDA which you have available to confirm that there is a fully FDA approved vaccine/booster available within the County of Sonoma.
- As referenced in item #3 of the CentraState Healthcare System's informed consent for the administration of COVID-19 vaccine, "THE COVID-19 VACCINE is investigational because it is still being studied. There is limited information known about the safety or effectiveness of using the Covid-19 vaccine to treat people with COVID-19. By signing this consent to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, I realize that there may be side effects, both immediate or long term, and that some may not be known at this time. The Covid-19 vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA at this time. The FDA has ONLY authorized the use of the Covid-19 vaccine under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)"
- Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, The Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. They have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. The Cumulative Analysis Of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports Of Pf-07302048 (Bnt162b2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021 indicates that over 1,200 deaths occurred within the first two months of the clinical trials. Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there were a total of 42,086 serious case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events. At any other point in history, this vaccine would have been immediately recalled. This was brought to the attention of both yourself and Dr. Mase on many occasions. Do you not find this concerning?
- Based on Authority: Secs. 312 and 313 of Public Law 99-660 (42 U.S.C. 300aa-1 note); 42 U.S.C. 300aa-10 to 300aa-34; 26 U.S.C. 4132(a); and sec. 13632(a)(3) of Public Law 103-66, Table 100.3, only Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration and Vasovagal Syncope are covered under the vaccine injury compensation program. Could you please confirm that pages 30 - 38 outlining all serious adverse reactions from Pfizer's initial clinical trials are not covered aside from those outlined in the table? Wow! Can you believe there are 8 whole pages worth of serious adverse reactions? HOW CONCERNING! Please confirm which specific reactions are covered for Sonoma County Residents.
- On Friday, January 14, 2022, my father, Harley August Lipitz (date of birth August 23, 1948) was declared dead in his home. My father had been fully vaccinated, boosted and the County disclosed that he possibly had a heart attack. It is quite possible that the coronavirus spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream and does not solely remain at the site of injection. This is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues (and heart attacks). I have brought many concerns regarding the COVID-19 gene therapy injections being labeled as “vaccines” to the attention of the Sonoma County Public Health Department Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase. It is blatantly obvious that my father’s death was caused by the COVID-19 virus even though he was vaccinated. Your office initially stated that he died of “natural causes” and this is not true. I have requested to conduct an autopsy to detect blood clots and declare in the Coroner’s Report that my father died as a fully vaccinated individual with COVID-19. Please confirm why the County refused to tell me where my father's corpse was physically taken. I had to call every mortuary in town until I located the body. Please also confirm why the County is refusing me the opportunity to conduct an autopsy. My father's death was mentioned recently in the Press Democrat (he was the male resident who died in his home on January 14, 2022). The media had my father's age shown incorrectly (he was born in 1948, I will let you do the math).They also did not mention that he died with COVID-19. If you lied about the cause of my father's death, how many other deaths have you lied about? Here is my call with the Coroner's Office which further confirms the lies and attempts to skew the data.
- As you stated in your previous response, please advise why you believe the serious adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccines are rare. I had previously mentioned to you, Dr. Mase and Press Democrat Reporter Phil Barber that my best friend, Isa/my fiance's good friend, Leo had symptoms which mimicked GBS and could not walk for several months following vaccination. My fiance's boss, L.J. has a permanent lung condition following vaccination. I could share more examples, but I am sure you now grasp the point. I mentioned a few individuals within my immediate circle, but how many others have experienced terrible reactions as well? I emailed Mr. Barber to thank him for publishing a recent story regarding Ms. Brunn's story of a GBS reaction following the Johnnson & Johnson vaccination. Mr. Barber stated in the attached email that he will not be following up further on this matter. We all know very well that the pharmaceutical companies own the media and are controlling our government. Our County's BOS and local media have made it very clear that they do not give one iota about how many people are hurt/killed by these gene therapy injections.
- You see, as I already mentioned in dozens of previous emails, all pediatric studies were completely deferred as mentioned in the FDA's approval letter that was issued on August 23, 2021. The pediatric studies in youth will not be completed until as early as 2027. As stated in the final approval letter, "we have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis. Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA is not sufficient to assess these serious risks". Because clinical trials will not be completed in the youth until years later, how is it that we are currently injecting them with an experimental drug? Have the parents of these children all seen the official authorization letter from the FDA? I was not provided this information from my local pharmacy, so my doubt is prominent. Dr. Mase refuses to acknowledge this and continues to recommend inoculation for children.
- The County's large pooled investments in Pfizer, Merck, etc. lead me to believe that this pandemic is more about profit than public health, and violate the County's conflict of interest policy. The counties with the strictest health orders are ironically the same counties invested in the pharmaceutical giants (i.e. Contra Costa, Marin, Alameda County). School district funds are being allocated towards these pooled investments while mandatory inoculation policies are being drafted for students and staff. The Executive Team for the Health department including Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase, Director Tina Rivera, Assistant Director, Emilia Gabriele, M.Sc., Behavioral Health Director, Bill Carter, Chief Financial Officer, Paul Wood did not complete a Form 700 to disclose their personal economic interests upon assuming office. The FPPC requires filers to file within 30 days of appointment to their new role. In addition, I requested filings for all of the County's Boards and Commissions. I am extremely concerned that the same individuals who are overseeing the finances for our County have major issues properly disclosing their own personal financial interests. I am still going through the full list but this gives us a place to start (see attached). We cannot recommend inoculation for all of mankind while being invested in the entities responsible for producing the injections. Please advise.
- Dr. Mase and the Public Health Department of Sonoma County have previously been notified that there are many COVID-19 testing labs operating in the County illicitly. Anyone who performs testing of human specimens for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of disease or health problems must apply for a CLIA certificate. This includes physicians who operate their own in-office laboratories. Our County’s COVID-19 case rates have been determined by the test results being issued. If the providers had no authorization to test in the first place, we cannot use their test results when calculating case rates. Therefore, any CLIA non-compliant business needs to be shut down. Under Cal Gov. Code 101070, the Health Officer is responsible for "receiving and investigating complaints from the public, from other licensees or from health care facilities that a person is engaging in any or all of the activity set forth in this subdivision". Because these labs are operating illicility, I have reason to believe they have no right to be issuing prescriptions and their staff's individual licensing needs to be verified as well. Case rates also need to be recalculated immediately. It may very well be that we are no longer in a state of emergency and all mandates must cease. Strangely enough, the CDPH refuses to acknowledge this as well. Please advise.
- Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky told CNN on August 2021, “our vaccines are working exceptionally well, "they continue to work well with 'Delta' with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." Dr. Mase refused to inform the public that the vaccines do not in any way, shape or form prevent transmission of the COVID-19 virus even though this was previously brought to her attention. Please advise.
- Per the CDC's March 5, 2021 Morbity and Mortality Report, masks only reduce growth rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths by approximately 1.32%. The report concludes "community mitigation policies, such as state-issued mask mandates and prohibition of on-premises restaurant dining, have the potential to slow the spread of COVID-19". I do not personally find a differentiation of less than 1.5% to be significant. Dr. Mase once again refuses to disclose this to the public (masks do absolutely nothing to slow the spread). Please advise.
- As of April, 2021 (when we were at peak case rates), the CDC's cycle cutoff for a positive test result was 28. The labs are now running cutoffs of 45-50. This means that these tests are picking up any miniscule amount of the human genome and therefore fabricating the amount of positive test results, inflating our case rates and extending the state of emergency. Per Perkin Elmer's support team for the CDPH Valencia Lab, the Ct cutoff used for my December 17, 2021 false positive test was 35.85. Per the CDC’s Study, “In conclusion, our study suggests that asymptomatic cases are unlikely to contribute substantially to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. “Asymptomatic” is a term that the government has coined to label healthy folks as ill. I issued a FOIA to the CDC to request supporting documentation of asymptomatic individuals spreading the virus to others. No records of this exist. Once again, Dr. Mase refuses to acknowledge this. Please advise.
- The NIH has endorsed the use of ivermectin for early treatment of COVID-19 True "science" knows that ivermectin has been around for decades, and labeled as the miracle drug for humans (see Japan Academy study from 2011). Dr. Mase refused to acknowledge this information and has let many folks die in our County (such as my father) or suffer with severe illness. Please advise as to why Dr. Mase wishes to continue to allow the people of our County to die by not recommending early treatment options.
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